OVA Peptide (323-339)
OVA Peptide (323-339)
Other Name
Sequence (Single letter abbreviations)
Sequence(Three letter abbreviations)
Basic description
OVA peptide 323-339 represents a T and B cell epitope of OVA, which is important in the generation and development of immediate hypersensitivity responses in BALB/c mice. Daily aerosolization of OVA 323-339 for 20 minutes over a period of 10 days has been as effective in the stimulation of a serum anti-OVA IgE antibody response as sensitization to native OVA by the same route. After sensitization to native OVA, the majority of the IgE anti-OVA response is directed against OVA peptide 323-339.
Soluble in water
The molecular weight
Chemical formula
The purity
> 95%
Storage conditions
Store at -20°C.
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